achtung! future! – a science fiction movie
Aus Ihrer Bühnen-Performance achtung! future! entwickelten khmfn
achtung! future! – a science fiction movie
Drei Teile der performance sind unter dem Titel achtung! future! – a science fiction movie zusammengefaßt. Auch hier verschiedene Bildebenen: die grotesken Aufnahmen von Augen werden mit jeweils konsistenten Bildwelten kontrastiert: Röntgenaufnahmen, schlauchdurchspülende Flüssigkeit, Flughäfen. Die irritierenden Schwarzbilder verweisen auf den eigentlichen Film, der sich im Kopf der Zuschauer abspielt.
im Rahmen von Kunstspur 2005, 24. und 25. September 2005, Essen, GER
at Festival
SoundImageSound VI, University of the Pacific, 2009-02-13, Stockton, California, USA
achtung! future! – a science fiction movie, has been selected for presentation at SoundImageSound VI. It’s a great piece and we are pleased to be able to include it.
Robert Coburn, artistic director, SoundImageSound
The complete list of works selected for performance includes:
2BTextures, Elainie Lillios – Bonnie Mitchell / Sisyphe, Francis Dhomont – Inés Wickmann / achtung! future! – a science fiction movie, Frank Niehusmann – Karl-Heinz Mauermann / Amorphisms, Moon Young Ha – Dennis Miller / Liquid Amber, Maggi Payne / Dispersion, Samuel Van Ransbeeck / a sudden change in the consistency of snow, Peter V. Swendsen / Boop Boop Beep, David Morneau
achtung! future! – a science fiction movie
has been selected for presentation at
MANTIS FESTIVAL [spring 2010] Martin Harris Centre, University of Manchester, Great Britain
MANTIS (The Manchester Theatre in Sound) presents several concerts of electro-acoustic music each year, and aims to promote, disseminate and perform new works from composers based at The University of Manchester. Facilities at the Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama allow, among other things, for the diffusion of work on a 40-loudspeaker sound system in a 350 seat concert hall. MANTIS has run the festival in co-partnership with organisations like Sonic Arts Network EXPO, taking the festival to numerous venues in Manchester, such as the Victoria Baths. 2010 first MANTIS call for pieces which received 186 submissions from all over the world. 16 works were selected including achtung! future! – a science fiction movie by khmfn.